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Powerful language module centrally manages content in additional languages
All preselected items are included in the module

Display available languages as text or round /square flags

Metered translations from the best machine translation software to translate your site, hassle free

Administrate and contract professional translators who will add translated content directly to your site to save you time

Country level domain for each language for maximum SEO advantage eg .es for Spain or .fr for France

Site served on IP address in user's region for maximum SEO advantage

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Property listings & search

Properties are synced to your CRM listings
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Simple property search on home page overlaying on static image, image slider or property slider. Search location, property type, min bedrooms, min/max price

Advanced property search placed above search results to show all basic search fields plus min bathrooms, built size, plot size, reference, features, location.

Display all properties in a dynamic map, zoom to filter displayed results below, click for popup info on the property.

Search results showing property cards in a responsive grid.

Show property cards in a carousel with auto or manual slide, swipe on mobile.

Full width property slider, choose from templates, with title, price, location, button to individual property page. Ideal on home page.

Property cards with banner, image slider, icons, basic info, button link to individual property page: placed in grids and carousels

Allows users to shortlist their favourite properties and save their searches, adds icons in your header, data feeds back to your CRM when user registers

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Individual property page

Beautifully designed page showing the individual property details
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Page template showing property long description, price, features, icons, full width or sidebar, location breadcrumbs for SEO

Images served as WebP for speed, resized to device, first image displayed full width above details with price and basic data overlay

Form adds contact to CRM once submitted with user location, device and other generated data.

CRM linked form with calendar and times of day for user to book a viewing of the property

Allows the visitor to email a link to the property to a friend. Friend is automatically added to CRM with referrer details

Tab displaying a YouTube video if one has been uploaded to the CRM

Tab displaying virtual tours such as Matterport if uploaded to the CRM

Button to download a PDF of property, designed in the CRM drag and drop designer

Button to download spreadheet / document added to CRM

Tab showing map with pin of property location or location of complex / development if non specific map location is preferred

Shows property energy certificate ratings in an attractive box for European compliance

Algorithm based on price and distance displays similar properties beneath details or in sidebar

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Powerful SEO feature shows auto generated location tree pages from CRM and displays a page for each location with lazy load grid of all properties in that location
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Property tree displayed in auto generated breadcrumbs on individual property pages to create SEO friendly backlinks

Display your chosen locations on your home page as a grid or in a carousel

Add custom content includng text, images and videos about the location to optimise the page for Google SEO and user experience

Show a page of all locations you select to display and promote

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Unleash your SEO potential and target specific search terms, creating pages with dynamic property shortlists or tags you select in your CRM and display them on your website
Preselected items are included in the module, select additional options you require

Easily list properties for your shortlist using features, price or custom tags that you create in the CRM

Add custom content including text, images and videos about the location to optimise the page for Google SEO

Show a popular page of all your shortlists for easy user navigation and website structure

Display a popular shortlist grid or carousel on your home page

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Content directory

Add content accross multiple location pages while entering the data only once to quickly build content for users and SEO. Show local services and amenities, increase opportunities for backlinks
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Add the content directory to your website

Show tagged items from the directory in your locations as a text and image block and display custom fields

Add custom fields to your directory such as phone or website to link to the company or service so users can easily find more information

Display cards from your directory in a grid or carousel on your location pages

Show all your directory items on a page that users can filter to show directory cards by type

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Sell your property

A page telling users all the benefits of listing their property with you, customisable with images, text and video
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Contact form, when completed adds the contact automatically to your CRM

Form allowing user to add their property and contact details directly and accept your terms of business. Adds the contact and property to the CRM automatically, requires approval in CRM before publishing their property

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Social proof is the most powerful way to inspire confidence in your site visitors and convert them to leads. Get complete control of which testimonials you dispay
Preselected items are included in the module, select additional options you require

Database to add your testimonials and display them on any page

Show testimonials in grid or a carousel display, ideal for mobiles

The best way to get new testimonials, just send a link to this page to your clients. Ask specific questions of your users and automatically create a testimonial with the client picture they have added.

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Company & team

Tell users about your company and the members of your team so visitors see the people who make it unique. Knowing your team before they meet you makes clients more receptive when they meet you
Preselected items are included in the module, select additional options you require

Your about page tells users that your company can be trusted and is just as important for Google. Add text, images and video to mark your brand

Your general contact page shows all the ways users can get in touch including addresses of your offices, phone numbers, social icons, map and a general contact form

Database to add your team members, text, image and video

Page showing all your team members with links to their individual pages

A dedicated page for each team member

A template showing image and short description of the team member to be used in carousels or grids

A grid or carousel showing cards of each team member with a button to the team member's page

Show the valuer or sales person in the sidebar of an individual property page

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Every Respacio site is different and your brand styles affect every single page
Preselected items are included in the module, select additional options you require

Choose from a variety of header styles to show your logo and company name are displayed as well as functional icons.

Drop down menu for sub menu items on desktop

Beautiful menu with rich content, images and dynamic widgets including properties, shortlist, locations and virtually anything else you wish to display

Hamburger icon, side sliding menu with icons for smaller devices

You can choose any fonts for headers and text, we build them into the site, we don't make calls to Google fonts or any other source to ensure speed and perfomance

Choose any colour palette for fonts, backgounds and elements within the site

Customise your button template to make links alluring and unique using any colours, hover effects, drop shadows and fonts

Show different sidebars on each page type with relevant widgets to enhance user time on site

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News & Blog posts

Blog and news posts, imperative for SEO and included in your site so you can provide limitless content
All preselected items are included in the module

Post templage showing a blog or news entry with featured image and text, with a blank sheet to add more images, videos and other media

Display a your blog posts in a grid or carousel on any page

Keep users on your site and show similar posts under your post template based on category / tag

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Conversion features

Convert even more visitors to leads on your site with these proven conversion tools
Preselected items are included in the module, select additional options you require

Icons in header and footer to launch phone phone dialler, whatsapp, email, office location map and icons to link to your social media pages in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more.

Show icons on every page allowing people to share your content on social media

Show a chat popup so users can ask questions live. Answer chat requests on desktop or via an app on your mobile, never miss an opportunity to convert

Form linked to CRM for newsletter signup, allows automatic addition to segmented marketing groups

Control to action popup forms based on page scroll, exit intent or time on page increase newsletter signups and leads

Create high conversion landing pages to convert your pay per click visitors with content and dynamic property lists. Build from scratch or choose from dozens of proven high conversion templates to customise to your brand and needs.

Everyone loves quizzes and you can use them to generate leads, increase conversions and social sharing while providing rich data to the CRM.

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Site management

Turn your site into a rocket with astounding speeds keep secure, ensure you are completely legal and SEO compliant and analyse your stats to refine perfomance to get the best conversions with rich data feeding back to your CRM

Complete admin access to manage every aspect of your website

Robots.txt, .htaccess files, sitemaps, url redirection and meta description fields are all included

WebP images serve much faster than normal images. All site images are converted to WebP Images and resized for optimum performance on each device type

Prevent spam, using the latest Google Recaptcha API

Copyright notice with links to privacy and terms of business pages in sub-footer

Cookie popup and link to privacy page to comply with EU law

Page caching, reduces the weight of your HTML, JavaScript and CSS files through minification

Serve images and scripts from CDN servers to increase speed performance with unlimited bandwidth usage

Strips unused CSS files to dramatically increase speed

WordPress core file integrity verification and repair, malware, virus, and backdoor scanning, firewall and brute force hacking protection

Manage Google analytics, Facebook pixel and report back rich data to the CRM

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Construimos los sitios web inmobiliarios de carga más rápida del mundo

velocidad del sitio web
La velocidad es uno de los factores más importantes para posicionarse bien en los resultados de búsqueda de Google y mantener a los visitantes en su sitio.
Los sitios web de Respacio están construidos para ser rápidos, cargando un código mínimo y limpio y altamente optimizado para lograr los mejores resultados posibles de SEO.
Elija un sitio web de Respacio si su objetivo es superar a su competencia.

¿Qué hace que un sitio web inmobiliario sea excelente?

Hemos estudiado y obsesionado todos los aspectos de los sitios web inmobiliarios

Visitantes | Conversiones

Presupuesto para el diseño de la página web de la inmobiliaria

SEO y marketing de sitios web

Conseguir un número suficiente de visitantes para su sitio web no es el único reto, sino que debe asegurarse de que son los visitantes adecuados. La optimización de los motores de búsqueda (SEO), la publicidad de pago por clic (PPC), los vínculos de retroceso de otros sitios y el marketing en las redes sociales contribuyen a la mezcla de marketing de sitios web.

Por qué las páginas web inmobiliarias multilenguaje son una pérdida de dinero

Si quiere mejorar su clasificación en las búsquedas de Google, las páginas webs multilenguaje son una pérdida de dinero. Si quiere saber por qué y cómo solucionar este problema con dominios únicos alojados en servidores locales, Respacio puede hacerlo por usted.

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El SEO de las webs inmobiliarias en España

El SEO de las webs inmobiliarias en España no le interesa a nadie más que a usted. Los CRM inmobiliarios, los portales inmobiliarios y las agencias de publicidad tratarán de convencerle para que no optimice su página web, ya que eso no les interesa. Lea este artículo para averiguar por qué y empiece a sacar partido de su plan de marketing.

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Conversiones del sitio web

La conversión de visitantes en clientes potenciales en un sitio web inmobiliario se reduce a la experiencia de usuario del sitio y a las llamadas a la acción. Su sitio debe funcionar bien, el diseño debe ser limpio y la experiencia móvil debe ser excelente.

¡Convierta sus dominios webs inmobiliarios sin usar en generadores de clientes potenciales!

¡Ha llegado el momento de poner a trabajar a sus dominios obsoletos! Consiga que los dominios que ya no usa le hagan ganar dinero convirtiéndolos en auténticos generadores de oportunidades con páginas web segmentadas…

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La página dinámica de anuncios virales: Una estrategia de medios sociales para las ventas inmobiliarias

La página de listados dinámicos virales Una estrategia de medios sociales para el sector inmobiliario en 2025 La página de anuncios dinámicos virales es una técnica de marketing avanzada para los agentes inmobiliarios, pero es sencilla de aplicar. Creará una página de aterrizaje que se posicionará bien en Google, se compartirá orgánicamente en Facebook, Twitter…

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Conexión de otros sitios a Respacio

Puede conectar casi cualquier tipo de sitio web a reSPACio
No te encerramos en nuestro ecosistema


Si prefiere utilizar su sitio existente con reSPACio, o construir uno nuevo, tenemos plugins para ayudarle a conectar los temas y constructores de páginas más populares de WordPress

Cómo sincronizar el tema WP de Real Homes con su CRM

How to Sync the Real Homes WP theme with your CRM le muestra cómo obtener la mayor potencia de ventas y marketing de uno de los temas inmobiliarios más populares de WordPress combinándolo con las impresionantes herramientas de ventas y marketing del CRM Respacio…

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